Adam Casals, the CEO of Casals'Company™, is an expert with a large experience in the fields of geopolitics and international relations, strategic consulting, tactical management, and communication. He upholds high ethical standards and possesses a strong awareness, advocating for the advantages of inclusive corporate policies. With a presence in Austria, Switzerland, Canada, and Spain, Casals provides guidance to both public and private clients across a range of sectors, including public governance, biotech industries, security and defence, inclusive mobility and public transportation, sustainability and biodiversity, and public diplomacy, among others.

Casals takes pride in his extensive network of international high-level contacts within the realms of business, politics and public institutions. In 2024, he has been appointed Chairperson for Institutional Relations at the United Nations Disability Inclusion Network within the Vienna International Centre. Furthermore, Casals is a member of the International Council of Barcelona Global, CIDOB (BCN Centre for International Affairs), the Foreign Policy and UN Association of Austria (ÖGAVN), the Austrian-German Forum (ÖDLF), and the Club Tocqueville, an organisation dedicated to promoting constitutional values and the principles of rule of law in Spain. He also serves as a Friend & International Ally of Alastria, Spain's national blockchain consortium, MujeresTech, and IEEE-Blockchain. His collaborations extend to the Abrahamic Business Circle in Dubai and the Agenda Pública think-tank-platform in Madrid. He has also contributed to the Advisory Committee of the UNESCO International Center for Creativity and Sustainability (ICCSD), as well as to the Salzburg-based Institut der Regionen Europas (IRE).

In 2018, he was honoured with the St. Georgs-Orden knighthood by S.k.k.H. Archduke Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen. From 2015 to 2017, he served as the Envoy of the Catalan Regional Government to Austria and Central Europe, with headquarters in Vienna. Currently, Casals is dedicated to fostering better understanding and building bridges in Catalonia and Spain. He is fluent in German, English, Spanish, French, and Catalan. Casals regularly publishes op-eds and contributes to various Spanish and international media outlets. He adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalism, as well as to the principles of the Concordia Club of Vienna.

Recently, he has published at Diario ABC, Agenda Pública, Vozpópuli, El Confidencial, Diari Ara, La Vanguardia, Crónica Global (El Español), Política & Prosa, Blockchain Economía, Cercle d’Economia and El Món de Demà in Spain, The European in Germany, Die Presse in Austria, Delo in Slovenia, Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica in Italy and Medium in the USA. He also cooperates with SER Catalunya (Cadena SER, Prisa Radio). Furthermore, Mass Media like El País, ABC, La Razón and The Objective, among others, have shown interest about him recently.

Connect with Adam Casals
Adam Casals

Adam Casals

CEO, Senior Global Affairs Advisor, Author | Fmr Envoy of the Catalan Gov to Austria & Central Europe | Vienna · Geneva · Madrid · Barcelona |